W.O. 16th Septr. 1776


Having written to the Secretary of State that Tents may be delivered out of H[is] M[ajesty]'s Stores for the Forces serving in North America for the Campaign 1777, among which are included the 16th and 17th Reg[imen]ts of /Light/ Dragoons, I am to desire You will be pleased to give directions that Tents may not be delivered out of H[is] M[ajesty]’s Stores for the above Reg[imen]ts of L[igh]t Dragoons, the respective Colonels having been directed to furnish the same.

I am

John Boddington Esqr.                              &c



Source: P.R.O., M.O. 4/78, #177.  Microfilm Collection of the David Library of the American Revolution.  Transcribed by Gilbert Riddle.