War Office 16th Septr. 1776


In Addition to my Letter of the 7th inst. I am to signify to you H[is] M[ajesty's] P[leasure] that you give directions that 25 Round Tents & 48 Horse Men's Tents be immediately provided for the 16th Regiment of L[igh]t Dragoons under y[ou]r Command for the Campaign 1777, which are to comprise part of the Camp Necessaries already ordered.

I have the honor &c.,

Major Geni . Burgoyne                                                                      Barrington Colonel of the 16th /or

Queen's/ Regt Lt. Dragoons.


Like Letter of same date, to Major General Preston, Colonel of the 17th Regt. /Lt./ Dragoons.


Source: P.P.O., W.0.4/98, #l76. Microfilm Collection of the David Library of the American Revolution. Transcribed by Gilbert Riddle.