Oct. 4th. [1777] ... I went this morning to the plantation, from thence to the middle ferry, where I saw a number of the citizens with about 30 of the Light Dragoons on Foot watching the notions of the enemy on the other side.  I waited there about an hour during which time there were several shots from both sides without much execution, when 3 columns of the Americans with 2 field pieces appeared in sight marching tow[ar]ds the River.  The Dragoons were ordered under arms and an express sent off for a reinforcement immediately, after which the Americans fired a field piece attended with a volley of small arms.  I thought it most advisable to leave the Ground, and rode off as fast [as] possible.  [Page 13.]


Oct. 15th. [1777]... The Americans came down to the middle Ferry upon Schuylkill and cut the rope about 4 o'clock this morning, which caused some platoon firing between them and the Light Dragoons. [Page 19.]


Oct. 22nd. [1777]... went to the Plantation this morning and found that the British had taken 1 load of hay without paying or giving a Rec’t. ... The British have taken 2 more loads of hay upon the same conditions as the first.  Last 7th day I rec'd a Rec't for the load of hay taken for the Light Horse, which I omitted mentioning at that time.  [Page 22.]


[Source: The Diary of Robert Morton.  Kept in Philadelphia while that City was Occupied by the British Army in 1777.  The Penn­sylvania Magazine of History and Biography, volume I., No. 1.  Philadelphia, 1877.  Page 1-39]