New York December 19th 1778.

My Lord,

Altho' the Vacancy of a Troop in the 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons, by the Promotion of Captain Stanley in Europe, has been notified to me by your Lordship, I do not think myself authorized to give it to the Captain Lieutenant of that Regiment, on account of a Warrant subsisting in favor of the Lieutenant Colonel, who has in consequence thereof memorialed for it;  But at the same time as I do not esteem myself bound to confer it on the Lieutenant Colonel, because I find that the Warrant in Question has been dispensed with in former Instances, and it appears from the Memorial of the Captain Lieutenant and Subalterns that such a Decision would be a great Hardship on the Regiment, I beg leave to transmit both the Memorials to your Lordship, and humbly request to receive His Majesty's Instructions theron.

                                                     I have the Honor to be,

    Your Lordships,

Most obedient and

Most humble Servant.

[signed] H. Clinton


Right Honorable

Lord viscount Barrington

&c ---- &c ---- &c


[Source: P.R.O. W.O. 1/10, 279.  Microfilm collection of the David Library of the American Revolution.  As transcribed by Gilbert Riddle.]